# Artboard 1

CO2e Calculation Method

Knorr‑Bremse calculates its CO2e emissions – Scope 1, Scope 2, and relevant Scope 3 categories – according to the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. The balance sheet limits are applied on the basis of operational control via business units. In the following, we describe the calculation methods for the CO2e emission figures published by us for the three scopes of the GHG Protocol.

Scope 1 and Scope 2 – Direct and Indirect CO2e Emissions

The CO2e balance of Knorr‑Bremse incorporates direct CO2e emissions from the company’s own emission sources (Scope 1) and indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy (Scope 2). As with the underlying energy consumption, we report on emissions in accordance with our HSE reporting guideline. As such, we include locations with more than 50 employees or locations with an environmental management system, which primarily concerns production and service locations. This results in a coverage rate of about 94% of Knorr‑Bremse employees.

Scope 3 – Indirect CO2e Emissions

In addition to the indirect emissions from upstream company activities, which we reported for the first time back in 2021, we have also published indirect emissions from upstream and downstream transportation and distribution as well as downstream usage of sold products since 2022. Currently, we consider the following categories:

VDA – Verband der Automobilindustrie; German Association of the Automotive Industry
IEA – International Energy Agency
APAC – Asia and Pacific regions
EMEA – Europe, Middle East and Africa


In the event of methodological or structural changes or incorrectly reported figures, the baseline years for the climate targets will be adjusted if the changes have a more than 5% effect on the total emissions of an emission category.