Through our technical excellence, innovative products and the strong commitment of our employees we enable and accelerate sustainable and safe mobility solutions. Together with our customers we deploy them for rail and road. Sustainability management focuses on the necessary environment for implementation of our sustainability activities. It ensures that sustainability is an integral part of our processes and decisions.
Knorr‑Bremse wants to live up to its environmental and social responsibilities. In line with this desire, we have committed to sustainable corporate governance and integrated sustainability into our organizational structures and business processes. We aim to strengthen this integration continuously because the company’s sustainable direction contributes to its business success. The resulting sustainability strategy is impetus for adding value in a way that conserves resources and a key influence on our conduct as a fair business partner and employer.
The specific design of our sustainability management is based on international standards and internal rules. They lay out our requirements for sustainable corporate governance and are a guide for our employees’ and business partners’ conduct. These internal guidelines include, for example, our Sustainability Guidelines, the Group-wide Code of Conduct and our Human Rights Policy. Furthermore, we are guided by international guidelines and conventions such as the UN Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO), and international standards such as ISO 14001 (environmental management), ISO 50001 (energy management), or ISO 45001 (health and safety management). The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) also guide us. Our sustainability ambitions are accomplished using the specific, established management systems and action programs.
Our sustainability guidelines set out the principles and strategic objectives for responsible corporate governance at Knorr‑Bremse.
Sustainability GuidelinesOur Code of Conduct defines our understanding of responsible behavior for all Knorr-Bremse employees globally.
Code of ConductOur Supplier Code of Conduct, updated in 2023, sets out the standards our suppliers are required to meet with respect to working conditions, human rights, environmental protection, health and safety, business ethics and compliance. We expect our suppliers to comply with the code and implement it in their upstream supply chain.
Furthermore, the quality guidelines for our procurement spell out the requirements that we have of our suppliers with regard to sustainability.
The Conflict Minerals Policy governs the handling of conflict minerals and guides the Purchasing department at Knorr‑Bremse as well as Knorr‑Bremse’s suppliers.
Internal guidelines specify the extent to which sustainability aspects are to be taken into account in purchasing decisions for various categories (e.g., energy, business travel or energy-efficient products).
Supplier Code of ConductThere are six Group-wide compliance guidelines that specify principles for conduct. They cover dealing with gifts and invitations, donations and sponsorship, corruption prevention, conflicts of interest, screening of business partners and fair competition.
The Human Rights Policy describes how we aim to respect and protect the human rights of all people working for us directly or indirectly.
Human Rights PolicyWith our Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Policy, updated in 2023, we commit to high performance standards
HSE PolicyOur high safety and quality requirements are laid down in the Quality and the Safety Policy for the RVS division and in the Quality First Policy for the CVS division.
The Product Safety and Product Conformity Organizational Policy provides an organizational framework for fulfilling our product safety requirements.
Through our sustainability strategy, we have set the objective of constantly enhancing our sustainability performance in all areas of the value-adding process. We derive the specific focus topics from international guidelines, our materiality analysis, external ratings and customer assessments. We also gain important input through dialogue with our stakeholders, such as customers, employees and investors. We use the ESG approach to structure our overarching sustainability program, and the measures derived from it. This means we follow capital market requirements and future legislation.
Our sustainability activities during the reporting period focused on the ongoing strengthening of our ESG organizational structure, the continuing implementation of our climate action projects, and the constant incorporation of sustainability into decision-making processes. For instance, the carbon price that we have implemented internally is a decision-making criterion for capital expenditure over € 500 thousand. Furthermore, defined ESG criteria are integrated into property management. In terms of climate protection, Knorr-Bremse has committed to a long-term target of net zero emissions (Scopes 1 to 3) by 2050. Moreover, expanded climate targets validated by the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) were set in 2023 and comprise emissions from our own production (Scope 1 and 2) as well as relevant emissions from the supply chain and product use (Scope 3) (Climate Protection). The systematic development of our sustainability management is one reason for our significant improvement in selected sustainability ratings during the reporting year.
ESG stands for environment, social and governance. It provides a structure for the areas of a company’s sustainability management. The ESG approach is intended to be a tool to achieve sustainable business and company development and make a positive contribution to sustainable development in society as a whole. The term is used mostly in the capital market for the guiding principle of sustainability.
We used our materiality analysis to determine the focus topics we need to prioritize in order to take responsibility for environmental and social challenges. These material sustainability topics also determine the content of this report. During the analysis, we first evaluated the positive and negative impacts of our business activity on the environment and society from an inside-out perspective. Secondly, we analyzed the impact of the topics on Knorr-Bremse’s business activities and future viability (outside-in perspective). This confirmed the following 13 focus topics from the previous materiality analysis:
Responsible corporate governance is a prerequisite for gaining the trust of society, customers and employees. It is the basis for the company’s growth and minimizes reputational and legal risks. We hold ourselves to our own high standard of constant compliance with laws, internal regulations and voluntary commitments. Combating corruption and bribery is therefore one of the key topics in compliance management at Knorr-Bremse. The topic of anti-corruption and fair competition is integrated into the “Integrity and Compliance” chapter.
Integrity and ComplianceClimate change is a global challenge. As a manufacturing company, our business activity has direct and indirect impacts on the environment and the climate. Moreover, we must develop strategies that prepare us for the risks associated with climate change. With our Climate Strategy 2030, we want to make our contribution to the target of the 2015 UN Paris Agreement to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees.
Climate ProtectionDigitalization is important for our company’s future direction as it supports efficient processes and new business models. We are always responsible for our handling of the data from various stakeholders that is used and acquired. We have developed and implemented legally compliant safeguards for this.
Data Protection and Information SecurityPositive and fair employment conditions inherently involve equal treatment for all employees. Individual employees can harness their potential better when they are in an environment characterized by diversity. A diverse workforce is therefore a driver of creativity, innovation and cultural competence in business partnerships – and consequently a cornerstone of our commercial strength. To reinforce gender equality at Knorr-Bremse, we work on increasing female representation within the workforce and within management.
Diversity, Equal Opportunities and InclusionAs a responsible employer, we wish to offer good employment conditions. They are the foundation for satisfied employees as well as for gaining and obtaining the loyalty of the best skilled workers and managers. In addition to having an open and supportive corporate culture, there are many other factors that contribute to good employment conditions, from fair, competitive salaries to a reasonable work-life balance.
Employment ConditionsWe can make a significant contribution to climate and environmental protection with environment-oriented product development. It also enables us to utilize market opportunities and counteract product-based risks proactively. Using our EcoDesign approach, we systematically integrate sustainability criteria, such as longevity, resource conservation and emission prevention, into our processes. In addition, we make sure we design our products in such a way that they are capable of industrial remanufacturing and overhaul; this is now a significant line of business at both Knorr-Bremse divisions that contributes to a circular economy.
Environmental Product DesignWith high standards and targeted measures for occupational health and safety, we as a responsible employer meet our own requirements and the requirements of human rights more broadly. We promote a healthy and safe working environment that prevents accidents at work and where our employees can reach their full potential.
Occupational Health and SafetyKnorr-Bremse can only manifest its leading market position with well-qualified and motivated employees. Our strategic personnel development focuses on the recruitment of qualified people and the individual, further development of employees and managers.
Personnel DevelopmentKnorr‑Bremse’s products for commercial and rail vehicles are highly relevant to transportation safety. Our customers rely on us fulfilling our distinct, self-imposed standards for technological excellence and high quality and safety. Simultaneously, we are a driver of innovation and are successful in constantly enhancing the safety of our products and boosting our commercial success.
Product and System SafetyKnorr‑Bremse is a part of society through its business activity and as an enabler of sustainable mobility concepts. For this reason, the company and its employees contribute to society, especially at its locations. As an employer, as a purchaser of materials and services and through its products, Knorr-Bremse influences local communities and economies in a variety of ways. Thanks to our engagement in society, our employees’ identification with Knorr-Bremse increases. Our employees feel motivated to play an active role in social projects themselves. In addition, having a greater reputation in society contributes to the company’s employer branding.
Social CommitmentHaving a sustainable supply chain structure is a core element of our value-adding process and makes a decisive contribution to our company’s success. We create the foundation for sustainable products with our selection of suppliers and raw materials. On top of that, our selection of suppliers has significant impacts on the environment and society in the countries the goods are produced in. That is why we demand adherence to our high sustainability standards. After all, violations of them can result in reputational or business risks.
Sustainability in the Supply ChainWaste management is an important aspect of a circular economy, as the valuable raw materials contained in waste can be returned to production. The disposal of waste can also create burdens on the environment. For this reason, we attach great importance to preventing waste or recycling it wherever possible.
Resource ConservationOur water management is intended to promote sustainable and responsible use of this resource. The current and predicted water shortages in a number of regions around the world also result in increased entrepreneurial risk for us. We want to use water efficiently and reuse it multiple times through recirculation wherever possible so that water is consumed sustainably and conservatively.
Resource ConservationWith a clear organizational structure, we ensure the integration of the topic of sustainability in the Group’s highest decision-making bodies. The entire Executive Board is responsible for the business strategy’s focus on sustainability. The Sustainability division coordinates the sustainability strategy and reports directly to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). To address the topic of sustainability in an organizationally appropriate way and support the implementation of the defined measures, the company relies on the ESG Board as the central coordination body. The ESG Board, which meets several times a year, comprises two members of the Executive Board, a representative of the senior management from each of the two divisions, a representative of each of the management teams of the Knorr-Bremse North America/ South America and Asia-Pacific regions, the Chair of Knorr-Bremse Global Care e. V. and the Head of the Sustainability department. The ESG Board advises on the development of the sustainability program. It defines goals and measures for implementing the strategic topics and evaluates their progress on an ongoing basis. The ESG Board and the Sustainability department are centrally responsible for the development, management, and monitoring of sustainability projects. The operational implementation of projects takes place in different areas of activity and divisions.
The ESG Alignment Circle is a body that precedes the ESG Board. It has the task of coordinating the implementation of the individual sustainability activities across departments and divisions and ensuring systematic process integration. It comprises leading representatives of nearly all functional units of the Knorr‑Bremse Group. In addition, issue-specific committees and departments supplement the implementation and development of the sustainability program. Established bodies – e.g., for the topic of human rights or sustainable purchasing – communicate on individual specialist topics and monitor operational implementation. The Executive Board and the Supervisory Board are informed regularly about sustainability topics and make important decisions.
Trusting collaboration and open exchange with stakeholders is the basis for sustainable business success. We seek to understand the perspectives and demands of our stakeholder groups. This is essential in order to identify future trends, global developments and market requirements at an early stage and thus meet our stakeholders’ expectations. Particularly important stakeholder groups for us include employees, young professionals, customers and suppliers, shareholders and investors, business partners, authorities, unions, associations, the media, politics, non-government organizations (NGOs), local residents near our sites and representatives of local initiatives. We maintain a dialog with them all, often within fixed communication and event formats. They include direct conversations with customers, global trade fairs, active work in associations, investor meetings, the Annual General Meeting and communication with employees.
Trade fairs and conventions that serve as important dialog formats:
Events for business partners organized by Knorr‑Bremse:
Customer events in which Knorr‑Bremse took part:
Awards for Knorr‑Bremse from customers and the industry:
Employee communication with a large range of formats and measures:
Direct exchange with our suppliers and business partners:
Local and technical interest groups offer a good platform for conversation with stakeholders:
Information formats for national and local officials at sites globally:
Knorr‑Bremse maintains social commitment at its sites with measures such as:
Memberships in trade associations:
Knorr‑Bremse conducts active project work, including at:
Knorr‑Bremse’s experts held specialized presentations at industry events such as these:
Industry honors for Knorr‑Bremse:
Partnerships and projects with schools and educational institutions:
Attendance of university fairs and events to appeal to and recruit young talent:
Promotion of women (especially in STEM professions):
Networking and exchange of information with the media around the world:
Local Care and Global Care projects at our locations are carried out in collaboration with NGOs – usually local ones – or other aid initiatives
Knorr‑Bremse Local Care projects organized by the relevant location:
Strategic partnerships by Knorr‑Bremse Global Care with a long-term project focus:
The United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which came into effect in 2015, provide guidance for companies to align their business activities with sustainable development across the entire value chain. Based on these Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the industry can use its economic power and strong innovation in a more targeted way to face the economic, social and environmental challenges. In this context, Knorr-Bremse wants to address the challenges through its business model and activities, and contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. Our sustainability strategy focuses on the five SDGs that we can have the greatest influence over through our business. Furthermore, Knorr-Bremse contributes to SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) through the activities of Knorr-Bremse Global Care e. V. (Social Commitment).
Knorr‑Bremse believes that a diverse workforce is a critical factor in business success. We are committed to gender equality and to supporting women in the entire workforce, in management and in STEM professions. We support our employees with various offerings that help to achieve a work-life balance.
Examples of activities in 2023:
Knorr‑Bremse strives to add value sustainably and wants to offer good working conditions and fair social standards to its current and future employees around the world. We continuously work on making our global supply chain more sustainable. We seek to respect and uphold human rights with our processes for human rights due diligence for our employees and suppliers.
Examples of activities in 2023:
Knorr‑Bremse finds solutions for the mobility of tomorrow and invests in a sustainable future through its research and development activities. Working in cooperation with our customers we can actively drive the transition to sustainable mobility with our innovative solutions. Thanks to our EcoDesign approach, we are already integrating aspects of sustainability into the development and innovation process.
Examples of activities in 2023:
Knorr‑Bremse is committed to integrated and preventive environmental protection in its production processes, which it practices by preventing waste and using natural resources efficiently. In our product development, too, we take care to use materials in a way that conserves resources and to recycle with the help of our EcoDesign approach. We extend the product service life through our remanufacturing (CVS) and overhaul (RVS) activities and improve our customers’ environmental and commercial sustainability.
Examples of activities in 2023:
Knorr‑Bremse aligns its climate protection objectives with the 1.5 degree target of the UN Paris Agreement. We want to minimize the carbon emissions from our business activity through production processes with reduced energy and emissions levels and through innovative products and solutions.
Examples of activities in 2023:
Knorr‑Bremse’s commitment to sustainability is evaluated regularly and recognized as part of external ratings and rankings. They are important to us as they confirm our direction and alert us to potential improvements. Using sustainability ratings and rankings, we analyze and evaluate the external perception of our sustainability performance. The comparison with our peers and early detection of trends gives us findings that we use to develop our sustainability management further. Knorr-Bremse has already received many above-average ratings for its sustainability measures and was able to improve further on a number of relevant ratings during the reporting period.
Our goal of transparent reporting also includes the transparent presentation expected by investors of our corporate climate risks and opportunities. We publish these in this Sustainability Report in accordance with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) (TCFD Reference Table).
In addition, we constantly work on meeting the statutory reporting obligations, such as the EU Taxonomy (Management Report) and on preparing for further developments in legislation on non-financial reporting (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, CSRD).